What is Mechinat
Ruach Hanegev?
Home / About Us
Mechinat Ruach HaNegev is a gap-year program located in the Negev that strives to cultivate a new generation of strong and inspired religious Zionists.
Our integrative program incorporates Beit Midrash and service learning, encouraging students to explore, clarify, and strengthen their spiritual and personal self — regardless of their religious educational background.
Our highly motivated and independent students will immerse themselves in a young and budding Israeli community in the Negev, and participate in a variety of intentional and authentic experiences to help them build a strong foundation as they prepare for the next steps in their lives.

Beit Midrash
Our Beit Midrash serves as both a COMFORTING and INSPIRING place for our students to thrive. Our goal is to provide a DIVERSE and RELEVANT curriculum, in order to allow our students to grow and develop on an individual basis.
Variety of course options (see Weekly Schedule)
Tracked subjects such as Gemara/Talmud and Halacha
Personalized schedule
Monthly Theme - click here for more details

Israel Experience Seminars
Seven week-long themed seminars that dive deep into Israeli society will give our students an authentic Israeli experience.
Shvil HaGolan
Start-Up Nation
Jerusalem & Tel Aviv
Yam L'Yam
Land of Our Fathers
Periphery and Center

Service Learning
Service learning is a critical element in bringing the Torah to life. Our students will be immersed in local culture and will contribute to important social impact projects that directly affect the community.
Individually based service projects​​​​
Group based service projects
Work with local farmers on a weekly basis

Extra Programming
Weekly night program with our amazing Madrichim
Meetings with Israeli Mechinot
Night hikes
Farming with local farmers
Volunteering in local community projects
Tiyulim (hikes) all around Israel