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What is Mechinat
Ruach Hanegev? 

Home / About Us

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Mechinat Ruach HaNegev is a gap-year program located in the Negev that strives to cultivate a new generation of strong and inspired religious Zionists.


Our integrative program incorporates Beit Midrash and service learning, encouraging students to explore, clarify, and strengthen their spiritual and personal self — regardless of their religious educational background.


Our highly motivated and independent students will immerse themselves in a young and budding Israeli community in the Negev, and participate in a variety of intentional and authentic experiences to help them build a strong foundation as they prepare for the next steps in their lives. 

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Beit Midrash

Our Beit Midrash serves as both a COMFORTING and INSPIRING place for our students to thrive. Our goal is to provide a DIVERSE and RELEVANT curriculum, in order to allow our students to grow and develop on an individual basis.


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Israel Experience Seminars

Seven week-long themed seminars that dive deep into Israeli society will give our students an authentic Israeli experience.


  • Shvil HaGolan

  • Start-Up Nation

  • Jerusalem & Tel Aviv

  • Yam L'Yam

  • Land of Our Fathers

  • Periphery and Center

  • Negev

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Service Learning

Service learning is a critical element in bringing the Torah to life. Our students will be immersed in local culture and will contribute to important social impact projects that directly affect the community. 


  • Individually based service projects​​​​

  • Group based service projects

  • Work with local farmers on a weekly basis

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Extra Programming

  • Weekly night program with our amazing Madrichim

  • Meetings with Israeli Mechinot 

  • Night hikes

  • Farming with local farmers

  • Volunteering in local community projects

  • Tiyulim (hikes) all around Israel


          AND SO MUCH MORE!!


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